Who is Karen Michaels?

Simply, my viewpoints on various aspects of my life. Singer-Actress-Mommy- IPhone lover and Macbook worshiper! The Little Man's Mommy and the Big Man's Wife. Always working on improving and learning! Love the Lord and love life! Hear my music on iTunes with Dangerous Curves, "Girl Talk" and "Laugh-A-Long Songs" with some of the local celebrities of Las Vegas!
Follow me on Twitter, "like" me on Facebook and find out more about my available shows!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

See the beauty in potential!

"See the beauty in potential"-I heard this on the TV this morning as I was playing with the baby and drinking my coffee.  It just hit me like a ton of bricks!  I have been thinking about this all day!  This applies to so many things in my life!  Currently, my weight loss project which clearly I am sucking at.  This blog and the emptiness just waiting to be filled.  The band I'm in and the show I am writing.  My beautiful son's life and our responsibility to give him all the tools to make his own fabulous life and reach his potential.
What is my potential, I ask myself?  What am I ACTUALLY capable of?  Could I actually lose this weight that is so hindering my work and my health and my personal happiness?  Could I get enough singing jobs to leave the "crappy but paying the bills" job?  Will anyone like my show?  Is it actually potential as much as it is belief in yourself and plain ole hard work?  Ok-I just looked up the definition of potential; 
1)possible, as opposed to actual
2)capable of being or becoming
Ooh.  That sounds like personal responsibility to me.  Uh-oh!!! You mean all this stuff is up to me and me alone?!?  Perhaps, if I look at the beauty in MY potential, instead of focusing on the slowness of my success, it will all move along more quickly and maybe, just maybe, I might even enjoy the process.  Tell me about the beauty in your potential-I'd love to hear from you!

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